
Antonio García founder of “Canyon Hats” is the sixth of eleven sons of Filemón Garcia and Ma. Luisa Sierra. From a very young age his father taught him how to hand stitch leather, a very popular job in the city where he was born. 

At 16, Antonio, as best known “El Cañón” to those closest to him, began working at this in several of the best companies in the region. Due to his great capabilities, he began to climb positions, going from being a front-line operative to being in charge of work groups. 

He already has 8 years of experience both in the process and in leadership, but above all with a great work of self-improvement, at 24 he decides to emigrate to the United States where two of his brothers live. 

 Always grateful to his brothers, Mario and Juan Carlos, who invited him to United States to work together with them so that Antonio can exercise his profession of hand stitching leather, which he feels very proud of, but this time not in the shoe business but in the manufacturing of the handmade hats. 

Thanks to the unconditional support he had from the company, he quickly joined their work system and being always passionate about the cowboy style, I not only had the passion to wear the hat, now he also had the opportunity to feel that great passion in the production of the same, managing to be recognized as one of the best stitchers in that place, its high level of quality and productivity are soon reflected in the company with the highest satisfaction of the customers and with the great increase in sales of the same 

After 5 years of working in the United States, Antonio decided to return to Mexico and took the initiative to test his skills and knowledge to obtained the start of his own business with the help of his family in his most passionate product manufacture handmade hats. 

Based on his nickname on October 23, 2015, he gave birth to the company: “Canyon Hats”. 

Since then, the path has not been easy, but with effort and dedication it has gone ahead, trusting in the originality of the designs it produces, but above all with the values of humility, honesty and respect for fair competition in the field, We will continue to work with the highest quality in our handmade products, always innovating in working methods and with the pleasure of always learning more about the business and always keep looking forward, since this dream has not yet ended. 

Canyon Hats has the vision of crossing borders and positioning it in the best stores in the world with its products and becoming in a competition that is always healthy, loyal and respectful with the best brands on the market. 

To achieve this objective in 2018, he formalized a partnership and an exclusive marketing agreement for Canyon Hats brand with Mr. Francisco Tinajero, a person with more than 30 years of experience in the commercial area and the sale of different products, including the hats. 

 From this union of efforts Canyon Hats began to have a great presence as a brand in several prestigious stores in the country with very good results obtained thanks to its high quality in the materials used in its manufacture, designs,  being made entirely by hand but above all in the care and dedication that is taken in its elaboration. 

 At this time the company is preparing to start exporting its products to different parts of the world in a short time.